St. Matthew Church History
In the year 1886, there were many German Christians living in the rapid growing suburb of Elmwood Place. In order to hear the word of God in their native tongue, they had to travel to neighboring villages. For a few weeks Rev. William Kraft came from the Reading Church to conduct German services for them at the Christian Church on Oak St. located in Elmwood. Then on Sunday, January 2, 1886, Rev. Fred Hohman, serving the Evangelical Mission Church at Fairmount, started a Sunday school in Elmwood in a store owned by a Mrs. Wenzel. With an attendance of nearly one hundred people, Rev. Hohman was asked to conduct services regularly every Sunday afternoon in a room above Krais’ Tin Shop. After several months, the attendance continued to grow and Rev. Hohman could no longer minister to two mission churches successfully. So, he advised the members of St. Matthew to call a pastor of their own. They applied to the German Evangelical Synod of North of America, who sent Rev. S. A. John. The first pastor of St. Matthew was installed Sunday, August 11, 1887. Worship services were held every Sunday morning at 10:30 and Sunday school classes were conducted in the afternoon in the room above the Tin Shop. Under the leadership of Rev. John, the work of organizing the congregation was completed. A Church Board was elected and a Ladies Aid was organized with forty members.
At a Congregational meeting in September 1887, the matter of building a church was discussed. Negotiations began with Bofinger and Hopkins, the developers of Elmwood, with a nest egg of two hundred dollars. They purchased two lots on Township Avenue for $406.00 and a third lot was donated by the realtors. The cornerstone was laid on October 9, 1887, and St. Matthew’s first church was finished on May 6, 1888. At this time the congregation consisted of about 40 families with approximately 100 enrolled in Sunday school. On April 1, 1895, Palm Sunday, Rev. Goebel, our third pastor, organized a Young People’s Society that began with 33 members.
In 1899, the congregation purchased a hand pumped organ and installed acetylene gas lights. The lights were a gift of the Young People’s Society.
In November 1904, when the church was 17 years old, the building was completely remodeled. The entire building was elevated, adding a basement to be used for Sunday school and a kitchen on the ground level. The front of the church was remodeled and the first bell and steeple were added. The Sunday school presented the new bell with the inscription: “Glory to God in the Highest”. In 1912, the congregation celebrated its 25th Anniversary, under the pastorate of Rev. C. E. Schmidt, the fifth pastor. Three of the former pastors and Rev. Hohman, the organizer returned and participated in the service.
The Boy’s Athletic Club was organized in 1913. This is undoubtedly the forerunner of the present Ball Team.
In 1916, the Women’s Bible Class organized the Scripture Guild, which is now the Scripture Guild/Home Department. Also in 1916, the Cradle Roll Department was established with Mrs. George Meyer as the superintendent.
In 1919, Rev. H. Armin Fleer assumed his ministry. The Loyal Daughters Sunday School Class was organized and the St. Matthew Sewing Circle, now the Christian Service Department.
For 35 years, the congregation worshiped in the frame structure on Township Avenue. It grew and prospered and ministered almost entirely to people of German ancestry. Not until World War I were English services introduced and even then, German services continued for many years twice a month.
A heavy debt resorted upon the property at the time of its dedication in 1922. So after 23 years, which included the depression period, it was with much rejoicing that the congregation had a mortgage-burning service on Sunday morning, February 18, 1945. The sermon was given by former pastor, Rev. Fleer, who was our minister when the church was built.
On January 11, 1949, our beloved Rev. Wetzler was called to his heavenly home the morning after our annual congregational meeting. In 1949, Rev. Clifford Scholey became St. Matthew’s ninth pastor and served for ten years.
It was Rev. Wetzler’s dream for our church to have a small chapel. Under the leadership of Rev. Scholey, the addition was completed. In September 1949, a memorial chapel, on the sanctuary level, and supplementary church school rooms on the third floor, were dedicated to the memory of Rev. Wetzler who inspired it. Also, in 1949, amplifying equipment was installed in the bell tower, so recordings of chimes could be broadcast. This was heard for the first time on Christmas Eve playing Christmas carols.
During the pastorate of Rev. Scholey, the sanctuary was completely renovated. The remodeling included the purchase of a new Wick’s pipe organ; new pews and chancel furniture, comprising of a hand carved reredos and new altar; pulpit and lectern. This was all made possible through memorial gifts from our members. It was dedicated on December 7, 1952, when the belated 65th anniversary was celebrated. Also during the pastorate of Rev. Scholey, the Board of Christian Education was formed. The Church Board was increased to eighteen and for the first time in the history of the church, women were elected to serve on the Board.
On July 4, 1960, St. Matthew became part of the merger between the E. and R. and the Congregational Christian Churches to form the United Church of Christ, and thus St. Matthew became associated with some 5,000 other congregations included in the merger.
On January 22, 1961, during the pastorate of Rev. Thomas Eckert, another addition to the existing building was dedicated, consisting of a conference room; secretary’s office; pastor’s office and garage. An illuminated cross was given in memory of Mr. E. William Werner by his parents which adds beauty and dignity to the front of the Educational Building.
Our 75th Anniversary was a more extended concept. The 75th Anniversary book was published, which contained, among other things, pictures of the first church on Township Avenue, the original and present chancel of the church and the Wetzeler Memorial Chapel. There were eight events from October 4th to the 21st. Some of the highlights were…
In 1966, we were still using some of the pews from the old church in the balcony. After 45 years, it was decided to replace them with new pews, the same as in the nave. All these were donated as memorial gifts by our members.
In 1967, during the pastorate of Rev. Charles Trout, our 80th Anniversary was celebrated. That was the year the United Church Directories Co. of Galion, Ohio took family photos of all the members of St. Matthew and published them in a directory. A copy was given to each family. The blue choir robes were an 80th anniversary memorial gift from one of our members. Rev. Thomas Eckert came from Louisville to deliver the sermon at the Wednesday night service.
On February 14, 1972, Rev. William R. Duffy was called to St. Matthew Church and began his service in March. The “Better Halves” was organized in the spring of 1972.
On April 3, 1974, tragedy struck when a terrifying tornado reeked havoc in Elmwood and the church was in its path. The total damage was $22,000 which happily, was completely covered by insurance. Not only was the building damaged, but also the parsonage grounds. However, the faithful people of St. Matthew did a fantastic job of cleaning up the debris. Inasmuch as the insurance coverage included this, we were reimbursed $1,068 from the company, which was transferred to the general fund.
At a Congregational meeting in September 1887, the matter of building a church was discussed. Negotiations began with Bofinger and Hopkins, the developers of Elmwood, with a nest egg of two hundred dollars. They purchased two lots on Township Avenue for $406.00 and a third lot was donated by the realtors. The cornerstone was laid on October 9, 1887, and St. Matthew’s first church was finished on May 6, 1888. At this time the congregation consisted of about 40 families with approximately 100 enrolled in Sunday school. On April 1, 1895, Palm Sunday, Rev. Goebel, our third pastor, organized a Young People’s Society that began with 33 members.
In 1899, the congregation purchased a hand pumped organ and installed acetylene gas lights. The lights were a gift of the Young People’s Society.
In November 1904, when the church was 17 years old, the building was completely remodeled. The entire building was elevated, adding a basement to be used for Sunday school and a kitchen on the ground level. The front of the church was remodeled and the first bell and steeple were added. The Sunday school presented the new bell with the inscription: “Glory to God in the Highest”. In 1912, the congregation celebrated its 25th Anniversary, under the pastorate of Rev. C. E. Schmidt, the fifth pastor. Three of the former pastors and Rev. Hohman, the organizer returned and participated in the service.
The Boy’s Athletic Club was organized in 1913. This is undoubtedly the forerunner of the present Ball Team.
In 1916, the Women’s Bible Class organized the Scripture Guild, which is now the Scripture Guild/Home Department. Also in 1916, the Cradle Roll Department was established with Mrs. George Meyer as the superintendent.
In 1919, Rev. H. Armin Fleer assumed his ministry. The Loyal Daughters Sunday School Class was organized and the St. Matthew Sewing Circle, now the Christian Service Department.
For 35 years, the congregation worshiped in the frame structure on Township Avenue. It grew and prospered and ministered almost entirely to people of German ancestry. Not until World War I were English services introduced and even then, German services continued for many years twice a month.
A heavy debt resorted upon the property at the time of its dedication in 1922. So after 23 years, which included the depression period, it was with much rejoicing that the congregation had a mortgage-burning service on Sunday morning, February 18, 1945. The sermon was given by former pastor, Rev. Fleer, who was our minister when the church was built.
On January 11, 1949, our beloved Rev. Wetzler was called to his heavenly home the morning after our annual congregational meeting. In 1949, Rev. Clifford Scholey became St. Matthew’s ninth pastor and served for ten years.
It was Rev. Wetzler’s dream for our church to have a small chapel. Under the leadership of Rev. Scholey, the addition was completed. In September 1949, a memorial chapel, on the sanctuary level, and supplementary church school rooms on the third floor, were dedicated to the memory of Rev. Wetzler who inspired it. Also, in 1949, amplifying equipment was installed in the bell tower, so recordings of chimes could be broadcast. This was heard for the first time on Christmas Eve playing Christmas carols.
During the pastorate of Rev. Scholey, the sanctuary was completely renovated. The remodeling included the purchase of a new Wick’s pipe organ; new pews and chancel furniture, comprising of a hand carved reredos and new altar; pulpit and lectern. This was all made possible through memorial gifts from our members. It was dedicated on December 7, 1952, when the belated 65th anniversary was celebrated. Also during the pastorate of Rev. Scholey, the Board of Christian Education was formed. The Church Board was increased to eighteen and for the first time in the history of the church, women were elected to serve on the Board.
On July 4, 1960, St. Matthew became part of the merger between the E. and R. and the Congregational Christian Churches to form the United Church of Christ, and thus St. Matthew became associated with some 5,000 other congregations included in the merger.
On January 22, 1961, during the pastorate of Rev. Thomas Eckert, another addition to the existing building was dedicated, consisting of a conference room; secretary’s office; pastor’s office and garage. An illuminated cross was given in memory of Mr. E. William Werner by his parents which adds beauty and dignity to the front of the Educational Building.
Our 75th Anniversary was a more extended concept. The 75th Anniversary book was published, which contained, among other things, pictures of the first church on Township Avenue, the original and present chancel of the church and the Wetzeler Memorial Chapel. There were eight events from October 4th to the 21st. Some of the highlights were…
- Guest Ministers, Rev. Jacob Wagner, President of the Southwest Ohio Synod, UCC.
- Rev. Michael Eckert from Dayton, Ohio, the father of Rev. Thomas Eckert
- A twelve hour prayer vigil
In 1966, we were still using some of the pews from the old church in the balcony. After 45 years, it was decided to replace them with new pews, the same as in the nave. All these were donated as memorial gifts by our members.
In 1967, during the pastorate of Rev. Charles Trout, our 80th Anniversary was celebrated. That was the year the United Church Directories Co. of Galion, Ohio took family photos of all the members of St. Matthew and published them in a directory. A copy was given to each family. The blue choir robes were an 80th anniversary memorial gift from one of our members. Rev. Thomas Eckert came from Louisville to deliver the sermon at the Wednesday night service.
On February 14, 1972, Rev. William R. Duffy was called to St. Matthew Church and began his service in March. The “Better Halves” was organized in the spring of 1972.
On April 3, 1974, tragedy struck when a terrifying tornado reeked havoc in Elmwood and the church was in its path. The total damage was $22,000 which happily, was completely covered by insurance. Not only was the building damaged, but also the parsonage grounds. However, the faithful people of St. Matthew did a fantastic job of cleaning up the debris. Inasmuch as the insurance coverage included this, we were reimbursed $1,068 from the company, which was transferred to the general fund.
Milestones…St. Matthews
1886 – Elmwood, OH Sunday School class Mrs. Wenzel’s store
Regular classes continue in a room above Krais’ Tin Shop
August 11, 1887 – First Pastor of St. Matthew was installed
1887 – Two lots were purchased to build a church
October 9, 1887 – Cornerstone laid for new church
May 6, 1888 – St. Matthew’s Church building construction completed
April 1, 1895 – Young People’s Society
1899 – New Organ and Acetylene Gas lights were added
November, 1904 – Original Church was remodeled
1912 – 25th Anniversary
1913 – Boy’s Athletic Club
1916 – Scripture Guild/Home Department & Cradle Roll Department established
1919 – Loyal Daughters Sunday School Class and the Sewing Circle were organized
1920 – Congregational Meeting voted to relocate
March, 1921 – Cornerstone was laid at Vine & Sixty-Sixth (formerly Main & Cook Streets)
December, 1921 – Building Dedication
1926 – Men’s Brotherhood was organized which joined the Boy’s Athletic Club and the Men’s Bible Class;
Nursery Class was organized
1927 – St. Matthew’s 40th Anniversary
1937 – St. Matthew’s 50th Anniversary
1940 – St. Matthew Evangelical Church became St. Matthew Evangelical and Reformed Church after
a merger of two denominations of German background
June, 1941 – Educational Building adjoining the church, was built and dedicated
February 18, 1945 – Mortgage-burning service
September, 1949 – Memorial Chapel and supplementary church school rooms on the third floor
were dedicated; first time Christmas Carols played from the bell tower
December 7, 1952 – Sanctuary completely renovated and dedicated;
belated 65th anniversary was celebrated
July 4, 1960 – St. Matthew became part of the merger that formed he United Church of Christ
January 22, 1961 – another addition to the existing building was dedicated.
1962 – St. Matthew’s 75th Anniversary; the 75th Anniversary book was published
1966 – New pews replaced the old pews with memorial gifts from the members
1967 – St. Matthew’s 80th Anniversary
1972 – The “Better Halves” was organized
April 3, 1974 – St. Matthew in the path of deadly tornado
May 1988 – Merger – St. John’s Community Church and St. Matthew United Church of Christ
consolidates to create new church – St. John, St. Matthew United Church of Christ
located at 691 Fleming Road, Cincinnati, OH
Regular classes continue in a room above Krais’ Tin Shop
August 11, 1887 – First Pastor of St. Matthew was installed
1887 – Two lots were purchased to build a church
October 9, 1887 – Cornerstone laid for new church
May 6, 1888 – St. Matthew’s Church building construction completed
April 1, 1895 – Young People’s Society
1899 – New Organ and Acetylene Gas lights were added
November, 1904 – Original Church was remodeled
1912 – 25th Anniversary
1913 – Boy’s Athletic Club
1916 – Scripture Guild/Home Department & Cradle Roll Department established
1919 – Loyal Daughters Sunday School Class and the Sewing Circle were organized
1920 – Congregational Meeting voted to relocate
March, 1921 – Cornerstone was laid at Vine & Sixty-Sixth (formerly Main & Cook Streets)
December, 1921 – Building Dedication
1926 – Men’s Brotherhood was organized which joined the Boy’s Athletic Club and the Men’s Bible Class;
Nursery Class was organized
1927 – St. Matthew’s 40th Anniversary
1937 – St. Matthew’s 50th Anniversary
1940 – St. Matthew Evangelical Church became St. Matthew Evangelical and Reformed Church after
a merger of two denominations of German background
June, 1941 – Educational Building adjoining the church, was built and dedicated
February 18, 1945 – Mortgage-burning service
September, 1949 – Memorial Chapel and supplementary church school rooms on the third floor
were dedicated; first time Christmas Carols played from the bell tower
December 7, 1952 – Sanctuary completely renovated and dedicated;
belated 65th anniversary was celebrated
July 4, 1960 – St. Matthew became part of the merger that formed he United Church of Christ
January 22, 1961 – another addition to the existing building was dedicated.
1962 – St. Matthew’s 75th Anniversary; the 75th Anniversary book was published
1966 – New pews replaced the old pews with memorial gifts from the members
1967 – St. Matthew’s 80th Anniversary
1972 – The “Better Halves” was organized
April 3, 1974 – St. Matthew in the path of deadly tornado
May 1988 – Merger – St. John’s Community Church and St. Matthew United Church of Christ
consolidates to create new church – St. John, St. Matthew United Church of Christ
located at 691 Fleming Road, Cincinnati, OH